Irrigation Engineering 4th Sem/Civil/May 2018 Diploma Paper

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Irrigation Engineering 4th /Civil/May 2018 Solved Question Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             15×1=15       

    a. Irrigation is Supplementary to _______________ .
    b. Irrigation in which water is not available for all the months of the year is called .
    c. Maize is  _________ food crop ,
    d. If area irrigated is less, duty will be ____________ .
    e. Delta is measured in ______________ .
    f. If temperature is more, duty will also be more. (T/F)
   g. The science which deals with the measurement of water is called _____.
   h. Evaporation which takes place through plants is called __________________ .
   i. The discharge in the stream is more in _____________ season.
   j. Dam is a ___________ work.
  k. Runoff is measured in ________________ .
   l. Water logging occurs due to _____________ .
  m. Works provided to cross the drainage are known as ______________ .
   n. Weirs are provided with _____________ at the crest.
   o. The head works which have the tendency to divert the flow of the river are known as .


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30   
    i. What is irrigation? Why irrigation is essential?
ii. Difference b/w lifts and flow irrigation.
iii. Difference b/w Furrow method and sprinkler method of irrigation.
iv. Define duty, delta and base period.
v. Define crop period and crop ratio.
vi. What are the various components of flow irrigation system?
vii. What is a reservoir? What do you mean by silting of reservoirs?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

    a. What is an aqueduct? What are the different types of aqueduct? Describe them with neat sketches.
    b. What is a gravity dam? What are their advantages and disadvantages?
    c. What is canal head works? Describe the various components of canal head works.
    d. What is canal lining? What are its advantages? Give the comparison of brick and concrete lining.
     e. Draw the sketch of a Weir and explain the function of each part. What are the causes of Weir failures?

Irrigation Engineering 4th /Civil/May 2018 Question Paper


Q1. a) Fill in the Blanks.                                             15×1=15       

    a. Irrigation is Supplementary to _______________ .
    b. Irrigation in which water is not available for all the months of the year is called .
    c. Maize is  _________ food crop ,
    d. If area irrigated is less, duty will be ____________ .
    e. Delta is measured in ______________ .
    f. If temperature is more, duty will also be more. (T/F)
   g. The science which deals with the measurement of water is called _____.
   h. Evaporation which takes place through plants is called __________________ .
   i. The discharge in the stream is more in _____________ season.
   j. Dam is a ___________ work.
  k. Runoff is measured in ________________ .
   l. Water logging occurs due to _____________ .
  m. Works provided to cross the drainage are known as ______________ .
   n. Weirs are provided with _____________ at the crest.
   o. The head works which have the tendency to divert the flow of the river are known as .

Irrigation Engineering 4th /Civil/May 2018 Question Paper

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Section a Irrigation Engineering 4th /Civil/May 2018 Paper

Irrigation is Supplementary to _______________ . Irrigation in which water is not available for all the months of the year is called _________. Maize is _________ food crop   If area irrigated is less, duty will be ____________ . Delta is measured in ______________ . If temperature is more, duty will also be more. (T/F) The science which deals with the measurement of water is called ____________ . Evaporation which takes place through plants is called __________________ . The discharge in the stream is more in _____________ season. Dam is a ___________ work. Runoff is measured in ________________ . Water logging occurs due to _____________ . Works provided to cross the drainage are known as ______________ . Weirs are provided with _____________ at the crest. The head works which have the tendency to divert the flow of the river are known as  ______
Applied Mechanics 3rd Sem/Civil/May 2019 Diploma Solved Question Paper Click Here

Section B :Irrigation Engineering 4th /Civil/May 2018 Paper

What is irrigation? Why irrigation is essential?

Irrigation.Why irrigation is essential

Difference b/w lifts and flow irrigation.

Comparison b/w lifts and flow irrigation.

Difference b/w Furrow method and sprinkler method of irrigation.

Difference b/w Furrow method and sprinkler method of irrigation.

Define duty, delta and base period.

Duty, delta and base period.

Define crop period and crop ratio.

Crop period and crop ratio.

What are the various components of flow irrigation system?

Various components of flow irrigation system

What is a reservoir? What do you mean by silting of reservoirs?


Silting of reservoirs

Irrigation Engineering 4th /Civil/May 2018 Question Paper Click Here

Irrigation Engineering 4th /Civil/May 2018 Question Paper

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Section c :-Irrigation Engineering 4th /Civil/May 2018 Paper

What is an aqueduct? What are the different types of aqueduct ?.

Aqueduct and different types of aqueduct 

What is a gravity dam? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

Gravity dam ans its advantages and disadvantages

What is canal head works? Describe the various components of canal head works.

Canal head works and various components of canal head works.

What is canal lining? What are its advantages? Give the comparison of brick and concrete lining.

Canal lining

Comparison of brick and concrete lining.

Draw the sketch of a Weir and explain the function of each part. What are the causes of Weir failures?

Weir and explain the function of each part.

What are the causes of Weir failures

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